Samsung is known for its innovative smartphones and their smartphones comes with many useful features. One of these useful features is the Always On Display which is kind of mini display which is turned on 24/7. Now some people like it and some don’t. if you are one of those people who wants to get rid of it then you are in the right place. In this guide, we will tell you how to disable the Galaxy S8 Always on Display. Let’s get into it.

How to Disable Galaxy S8 Always on Display

The whole process of disabling the Galaxy S8 Always on Display is very easy. Follow these steps to do it.

  • Swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the gear-shaped icon on the top right coner.
  • In the settings, Find the Lock Screen & Security and tap it
  • Toggle it off the Always on Display
  • You can also tap on the Always on Display section to explore more options.

Disbale the Galaxy S8 Always On Display

Once you follow thse steps, Always on display will be turned off and you will see nothing but a blank screen.

Should you Disbale the Galaxy S8 Always On Display or not?

It is true that smartphones are the important part of our lives and majority of us spend hours on our smartphones. According to one study, an average users turn on the smartphone over 150 times a day and if you are power user then this number go higher. Whenever you turn on the display it consume some power from the battery. The purpose of Always on Display is to show the necessary information at a glance and it also save some battery life. According to samsung, this feature only uses less than 5% battery per day. Samsung also offer the widgets which you can add to always on display and make it more useful for yourself. In our opinion, Always on display is a really useful feature and it surely saves a lot of battery life. However, if you don’t like this feature the you can disable it.

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